Canine Cancer | Symptoms, Causes, & Treatments

Finding a lump or sore on your dog can be scary as it could mean cancer. Canine cancer is one of the most common causes of death in middle age to older dogs. 10 years ago, statistics showed that 50% of all dogs over 10 years of age developed some form of cancer. More recent reporting by veterinary pet insurance companies suggests that 60% of all dogs over 7 are now developing cancer and that it is the #1 cause of death in dogs over 10. This indicates we are not winning the war against cancer in dogs, but there are things we can do as pet owners to make things better.

Canine cancer is an overgrowth of cells that overwhelms your dog’s immune system. Any type of cell in your dog’s body can begin uncontrolled growth, including cells in the skin, bones, muscle, liver, lungs, spleen, intestinal tract, and even the nervous system. The warning signs of cancer and dogs are a lump or a bump, a wound that doesn’t heal, enlarged lymph nodes,
unexplained weight loss, lameness or swelling in the bone, and abnormal bleeding.

If your dog exhibits any of the above symptoms, go see your veterinarian right away. One of the biggest problems in dogs with cancer is progressive weight loss or wasting. Altering a dog’s diet can help during cancer treatment, especially reducing carbohydrates and increasing protein levels.
