25 Fascinating Facts About Cats

25 Fascinating Facts About Cats

Cat’s have captured our hearts and minds for thousands of years, but how much do you really know about your feisty feline? While there’s an estimated 720-million pet cat’s currently around the world, it’s predicated that human’s began domesticating felines as far back...
Cat Breed Spotlight: Persian Cats

Cat Breed Spotlight: Persian Cats

Seeing how Persian cats are among the most popular cat breeds in the United States, if not the world, it’s easy to see why you’d want to welcome one of these elegant and laid-back felines into your home. However, while these positive traits may be true, prospective...
Why is My Cat Throwing Up?

Why is My Cat Throwing Up?

Similar to humans, cats can throw up for several different reasons. While some causes of feline vomiting are relatively normal and shouldn’t raise owner’s concerns, other causes can indicate much more serious health issues. Seeing how even the healthiest cats are...
Cat Breed Spotlight: Russian Blue

Cat Breed Spotlight: Russian Blue

If you come across a beautiful gray cat with stunning green eyes, there’s a strong likelihood that you’re looking at a Russian Blue. These wise, playful, affectionate, and shy felines are also commonly known as the Archangel Blue cats. Rarely demanding,...