While there’s no guarantee that any dog will retain optimum health throughout their life, there are several canine breeds that experience fewer health issues than most. Given how small dogs generally tend to live longer than large dogs, it’s important to keep in mind that we’re gauging healthiest dogs based on quality of life and absence of ill health. Additionally, your furry friend’s lifestyle, including their exercise, vet care, and diet, all plays a significant role in your dog’s overall health. Below we list the top-10 canine breeds with relatively long lifespans that vets experience the least amount of health issues from.
Australian Cattle Dog
With an average lifespan between 12-and-16 years, the Australian Cattle dog makes for an intelligent and active companion. Due to their active nature, these dogs can occasionally sustain joint or ligament issues, however, they generally are known to encounter very little health issues.
This good-natured and loving breed is known to be relatively low maintenance as it enjoys to nap for hours after a short burst of energy in the mornings. Due to their relaxed nature, Greyhounds rarely injure themselves and face very minimal health issues over the course of their 14-year long lifespan.
Beagles have a reputation for remaining extremely healthy and durable over their 10-to-15 year long lifespan. Make sure to get your beagle from a credible breeder as ill-bred beagles can encounter heart defects, glaucoma, interverbral disc disease, and other illnesses.
Remarkably resilient to most illnesses, chihuahuas are known to outlive most other dogs during their 20-year lifespan. Eager for life and demanding of cuddles, this is a great breed for those who want to retain a loyal companion for a significant chunk of their lives.
Siberian Husky
While occasionally prone to cataracts and hip issues, Siberian huskies rarely encounter any health issues over their 12-to-16 year long lifespan. We strongly urge that only those who live the most active of lifestyles to get a Siberian husky as they are extremely vocal and require frequent mental and physical activity.
Whether it’s a standard poodle, miniature poodle, or toy poodle, these intelligent and loyal dogs only tend to face minor health issues over the course of their lives. While occasionally experiencing joint and eyes issues, this furry breed has a reputation of remaining relatively healthy throughout their 10-to-18 year long lifespans.
Border Collie
These hardy and healthy dogs thrive when their athleticism and intelligence is being put to the test. While they can rarely experience epilepsy and deafness, this brilliant breed is bound to stay healthy over the course of their 12-to-15 year long lifespan.
Australian Shepherd
As long as this large breed stays regularly exercised and mentally stimulated, there’s no doubt that they’ll stay healthily with you during their 13-to-15-year long lifespan. Serving as a protector dog, this breed is known to be an obedient and loving companion.
Shiba Inu
With their almost cat-like personalities, the Shiba Inu requires regular mental stimulation and a large yard to sprint around. Besides their demand to be regularly groomed, this breed has a great track record of remaining healthythroughout their 15-year long lifespan.
This small, intelligent, and sociable dog breed has a reputation of staying generally healthy over their 16-year long lifespans. While occasionally prone to hereditary deafness, your Havanese companion will remain sturdy and in good health over the course of their lives.
Dr. Bill’s Canine Pet Nutrition
No matter the breed, the correct amount and type of food you should feed your dog depends primarily on their age, weight, and activity level. Originally formulated to help performance dogs reach their maximum potential, Canine Ultimate Fitness & Health is a delicious, concentrated nutritional powder, providing a balanced blend of 55 nutrients your dog needs for better health, increased activity, maximized performance, the prevention of age-related diseases, and ultimately a longer, healthier, and more enjoyable life.
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